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Circles of Trust™ (CoT) eliminates the risks associated with data breaches from an attack on network, cloud, device, and emails, as well as data leaks through lost or stolen devices. CoT enables the continued protection of sensitive data regardless of whether it is at rest or in motion. Encryption follows the data wherever it goes. CoT is an easy-to-use security solution, that facilitates the creation of a designated “trusted group” of people, called a "Circle", for secure sharing and collaboration of sensitive data. Data stays protected as sharing is done via an email, USB, mobile device, in the cloud, or on desktop. Only trusted members can access the encrypted data.

Convenient Security

No extra passwords, no interruption to workflow, no reworking of business processes


Data can be shared securely on any device or OS: laptops, tablets, smartphones, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and more

Offline Access

Offline access ensures that you can access data within a Circle no matter where you are in the world

Secure Cross-Border Sharing

Nations can securely communicate as long as they are a part of a Circle

Varied Levels Of Access

Level 1: Confidently share data with others in a limited, view-only sandbox <br> Level 2: Empower your core group to edit and collaborate securely

Strong Security

CryptoMill uses AES 256-bit encryption to ensure that all your data remains protected with the highest level of security

The Circles Of Trust Model

The key to securing data is protecting it both while in the application and after it leaves the application. With Circles we create an impenetrable cryptographic Circle around groups authorized to work with sensitive assets. Administrative roles enables tracking of all internal activity.

Holistic Data Protection

Circles of Trust™ is a disruptive, on-premise, data-centric security software suite that protects data across the entire organization and when shared with other organizations. CoT's security suite has a much smaller infrastructural and economic footprint. Circles offer disruptive security to address today's evolving cyberthreats.

Offline Access

Multiple cloud providers such as Box, OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloud, ShareFile, Google Drive, and more, are supported by Circles of Trust™. Encrypt your cloud files in the same manner as a local file with the same seamless and transparent access. Information floating in the cloud will be encrypted and secure, allowing only Circle members to access their content in the case of theft or data leakage.



Data Protection Everywhere

Circles of Trust™ allows for secure cross-border sharing. This means any information that is encrypted will remain encrypted regardless of where it is stored or transferred. Data will be protected at rest and in motion; whether you are sending it through an email, FTP-transfer, or moving it onto a removable storage or mobile device, it will be protected.


File Level Encryption

With Circles of Trust™, encryption occurs at the file level. This means you can choose which files to encrypt in a quick and easy way. You can encrypt a folder or individual files. Any data stored within a protected folder will automatically be encrypted. Only members of the Circle will be able to view and edit an encrypted file.


Seamless And Transparent

No additional steps or passwords are required to view or edit any encrypted data, allowing for no disruptions to your daily workflow. Any file moved into a protected folder will automatically be encrypted, and will not require password entry to view for any members of the Circle it belongs to. Circle information will be synchronized with all of your devices protected by Circles of Trust™, meaning you only have to accept a Circle invitation once to gain access on all protected devices.


Secure Group Sharing

Files protected by Circles of Trust™ can be securely shared through any means. Only members of a Circle will be able to view or edit a protected document. If any data is lost or stolen it will remain fully encrypted and protected. Circle members do not need to enter any passwords to view encrypted content – once you are a member of a Circle, you can view encrypted data seamlessly and transparently.


All File Formats Supported

When it comes to encrypting a file, you don't need to worry about what format it's in - we support all file formats. This gives ease of mind and keeps the workflow seamless.