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Regardless of whatever industry you are in, securing data is of the utmost importance. As COVID-19 made working from home a necessity, the transfer of data and remote access created new ways in which companies or institutions can be attacked. Whether it’s from an accidental leak, to the wrong email, or an attack that stole data, the overall safety of that data is a major risk that can lead to millions of dollars worth of losses.

In the Military industry, there have been many leaks in the recent past that includes Jeffrey Delisle and the Cameron Ortis cases.

All of these cases were either from an internal rogue who released data, an accidental leak from a misguided email, or an attack from external threat actors. Within the information age, data of all forms is highly vulnerable to cybercrimes or neglect.


Cyber Warfare

In recent years, cyber warfare has become an increasingly common method of engaging in activities that use cyber weapons to cause physical damage to companies and even countries. Cyber warfare will continue to grow in the coming years, particularly due to the fact that countries and companies alike have become increasingly interconnected; business systems, as well as critical infrastructure are all dependent on networks, leaving a potential vulnerability in the system.

Challenges We Tackle


Circles of Trust

Our Circles of Trust platform ensures a Zero Trust Architecture and enables Data Centric Security in protecting all sensitive data at rest, in use and when shared internally and externally.

Our CryptoMill Circles of Trust is a Security Infrastructure & Platform providing Defence & Government, control over access to all sensitive data and its use.

• Protection - bound to the data itself

• Security travels with the data anywhere, everywhere Data at rest, in use, when shared


  • Interoperability
  • Data Ownership
  • Sovereignty and Integrity
  • Quantum Resistant
  • Crypto-agile
  • Secure cross-border sharing
  • Securing supply chain
  • Protecting IP during collaboration
  • Stopping internal rogues
  • Addressing NATO vision
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